When Saveway President Dr. Manfred Hopf invites you to a conference, you can expect a very interesting program and to meet a whole lot of experts.
The moderator, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Egbert Baake, began by welcoming renowned speakers and gave participants a clear picture of the current state of the industry. Heiko Lickfett (BDG) reported positive tendencies in German cast iron in 2017, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gotthard Wolf (TU Freiberg) promoted participation in the Materials Competition and reported excellent future prospects for highly motivated students and doctoral students in the field of iron casting.
As a supplier for measuring technology, Saveway is very close to the field, so the main part of the two-day event focused on the practitioners, who presented the necessities and trends for the delivery of ovens in melting plants in various case studies.
„Go and See,“ is what President of Sachsen Guss and Franken Guss, Josef Ramthun, names his credo. The director of the melting plant is also tasked with looking inside and under its melting devices. Ramthun, a passionate specialist, knows what he is talking about when he says, „The safety of production in the melting process is vital.“ He therefore advocates the safety of metrology, through the product of companies like Saveway, before an oven burns through.
About Saveway – Furnace Breakthrough can be avoided
With over 25 years’ experience, Saveway is an internationally established company. We develop, produce and distribute measuring technology for melting, holding & treatment equipment. Therefore we have international service and sales partner to support us. Customers worldwide from the foundry, steel, smelter and glass industry appreciate this total package, which is enhanced by our qualified after-sales-service.
Based on our experience, we develop customized solutions for very specific applications. This close cooperation with customers, universities and professional associations is an important component in turning innovative ideas into practical solutions.
Among its many benefits, Saveway most importantly provides utmost safety for operating staff and molten-process equipment. Furnace breakthroughs, plant damage and operating disruptions can be avoided. Since relining becomes predictable, maximum service life of the refractory is ensured without any risk.
From Ilmenau/Thurungia headquarters in Germany they serve global customers with branch offices in the US, South Africa and Japan and sales and service staff for all major areas in Europe.
Program Overview:
Die deutschen Eisen- und Stahlgießereien – Chancen und Risiken vor dem Hintergrund volatiler Kundenmärkte
Heiko Lickfett | BDG Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie
Stahl. Und Gusseisenwerkstoffe für Hochtemperaturanwendungen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gotthard Wolf | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Untersuchung und Auslegung von Induktionsöfen für Eisenwerkstoffe durch Einsatz der Computersimulation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Egbert Baake |Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Vorstellung der Firma Sachsen Guss – Optimierung der Standzeit von Rinnen- und Tiegelöfen – Erfahrung mit der Saveway Technik
Josef Ramthun | Sachsen Guss GmbH
Einfluss der Ofenzustellung und Arbeitsweise auf die Tiegelstandzeit beim Schmelzen von Gusseisen und Stahl
Dr.-Ing. Eckart Hofmann | Sachverständiger für Metallurgie und Feuerfestfragen
Die Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall in den Gießereien
Thomas Eßbach | Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall
Fallbeispiele für die Ursachen eines frühzeitigen Ausfalls von Schmelzöfen und deren Anlagen
Dr.-Ing. Eckart Hofmann | Sachverständiger für Metallurgie und Feuerfestfragen
25 Jahre Innovation in der Messtechnik zur Feuerfestüberwachung
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hopf | Saveway GmbH & Co. KG
Einblicke in moderne Feuerfest-Zustellkonzepte für Eisenwerkstoffe
Dr. Cepak | Dörentrup Feuerfestprodukte GmbH & Co. KG
Weiterentwicklung von neutralen Trockenrüttelmassen für den Einsatz im Induktionstiegelofen und deren Überwachung durch das Saveway
Dr. Ing. Dirk Holland | Calderys Deutschland GmbH
Technology Push und Market Pull – Neuartige Werkstoffsysteme am Rinnen- und Tiegelinduktionsofen
Daniel Cölle | EKW GmbH
Aktueller Stand im Induktionsofenbau
Thomas Kähler | Inductotherm Deutschland GmbH
Neuste Entwicklungen im Induktionsofenbau
Lutz Walther | ABP Induction Systems GmbH
Innovative Zustellkonzepte von Induktionstiegelöfen für das Schmelzen von Gusseisen
Frank Zaremba | Chemikalien-Gesellschaft Hans Lungmuß mbH & Co. KG
Thomas Fritsch
Foundry-Planet LTD.
Sebastianstraße 4, 87629 Füssen, Germany